The six judges were last year's 2021 homeowners who won the Christmas decorating contest. The results were tallied by the Social Committee chairman & a board member. RESULTS AS FOLLOWS:
Grand Prize: Austin & Alisha Slate, 1700 Scardi Blvd. First Place: Michael & Paitients Roberts, 2280 Dovetail. Second Place: Greg Gardner, 707 Slazenger Ct. Third Place: Terry & Carole Wells, 1827 Culver Loop. HONORABLE MENTIONS: Phase 1: Scott & Brooke Campbell, 2258 Eagle Loop. and Jim & Sharon Stanphill, 710 Dovetail. Phase 2: Larry & Stellan Dobson, 501 St. Andrews Ct. and Debra Fregoso, 2081 Culver Loop. Phase 3: Doug & Debbie Price, 713 Slazenger Ct. and Butch & Sandy Riley, 719 Slazenger Ct. Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to the social committee.